Floating aquarium plants can be an amazing feature to have in any aquarium. Floating plants are not attached to the bottom of the tank and they come in a lot of different shapes and sizes. Explore the selection of floating aquarium plants for sale at AquariumPlants.com to find the perfect choice for your tank and fish!
Benefits of floating plants
Floating aquarium plants provide shade
    Providing the perfect shading for your other water plants and cover for your fish from the tank lights during the day can be an important part of every aquarium. Creating a shade for the fish can really bring out their potential and their different colors. Just remember, if you choose to cover the whole surface of your tank it will possibly reduce the growth of your other plants below, so it is wise to not overdo it.
Floating plants provide aeration
  The aeration in a planted tank is usually regulated by live plants just as it would have been in the wild. Some of the floating plants can help regulate oxygen for fish.
Filtration, Protection, and Prevention
   Floating aquarium plants can be helpful as filters to remove fish waste. The bacterium growing on the plant can deal with biological and/or chemical filtration unbelievably well. Absorbing the chemicals that can be harmful to the fish can be a daunting time for the floating aquarium plants so it is usually wise to have a backup filtration system. These floating plants will be a great protection for your fish helping them to avoid diseases and finding a great place for fish to hide and play.
Floating plants gives a wilderness appearance to your tank
   Floating aquarium plants give you the feeing of a wilderness with some of them having roots that hang down freely. Having a natural looking environment will not only add to the attractiveness of the aquarium, but will also allow your fish to feel right at home.
Floating plants as alternative food
   In a planted aquarium, the fish will never be underfed or be exposed to diseases because of irregular feeding. Usually, the only food source will be the food you feed them, but with floating plants your fish will have something else to eat or nibble on as they are full of nutrition and add to a well balance diet.

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