Malaysian Driftwood
We just received a HUGE shipment of Malaysian Driftwood…Our webmaster is photographing each piece as fast as possible. We really want our customers to be satisfied with our driftwood. If you receive a piece of driftwood and are not completely satisfied (for any reason) we will allow you to exchange it with NO restocking fee.
If you are having a “Custom Aqua-Scape” designed by us, order the driftwood in the “same shopping cart” so our Aqua-Scape artists can see the driftwood before it is shipped. Malaysian Driftwood should be soaked or boiled prior to introduction into aquariums to reduce the amount of Harmless tannins found in the wood.
If soaking: place wood in bucket or something large enough to fit and soak until tannins leach. Replace with new water and repeat until water is clear. For best results repeat process for a few days.
If boiling; Place wood in boiling water to quickly release tannins. Repeat until water is clear.
Grow Plants on Driftwood or Rocks
Any of the Anubias genus
Java fern
Java fern lace
Simply attach the roots/rhizome with fine (cotton) thread, or carefully “staple” to the driftwood, and the roots will grow and attach to the rocks or driftwood.