Plant Profile: The Amazon Sword Plant

The “Amazon Sword Plant,” scientifically known as Echinodorus Amazonicus/Echinodorus Bleheri, is a hardy plant deriving from South America and grows up through Central America. Echinodorus are by nature marsh and bog plants that can grow submerged as well as above the surface, and therefore a popular choice amongst novice and experienced aquarium enthusiasts. With that being said, the water level recommended is to be maintained above the leaf blades for optimal growth. Due to its sturdiness, the Amazon Sword plant can grow to a maximum 15-20 inches. With a heavy root system, and notable growth potential, it is advisable to plant the Amazon Sword in a larger tank, although it will also flourish in a small-scale tank. It can grow leave blades up to 20 inches or more long. In a smaller aquarium, these vast leave blades will overgrow the tank, leaving little room for fish. Amazon Swords are compatible with majority of fish, but there are several fish advised to avoid when seeking the best health for your plants. These include goldfish, most species of plecos, and many of the larger cichlids.

Although the Amazon Sword is low maintenance plant, the beautiful green leaves, which are fairly expansive and long, can multiply in numbers when treated well (many aquarium buffs reportedly notice new leaflets within 4-7 days). This includes removing or trimming back the outer or damaged foliage in order for new interior leaves to sprout, and wiping away any algae. Amazon Sword plants cannot repair damaged leaves. It is recommended to remove these leaves in order to allow the plant to redirect energy to the healthy ones. Runners and offshoots are commonplace for sword plants (adventitious plantlets). One plant can illicit multiple others when treated and taken care of properly; obtaining a greater bang for your buck.

A preference for medium light is routine, and they grow best in nutrient-rich substrate, although sand and other bases are acceptable. The Amazon Sword will benefit from regular doses of root tab fertilizers and iron rich fertilizers. While the plant will grow extremely well without the addition of any CO2 to the aquarium, many experienced aquarium proprietors report increased plant growth when utilized. Although it will thrive in both tropical set ups and cold-water tanks, the Amazon Sword does not survive well in very cold temperatures and is typically not advisable for ponds. For optimal growth, the Amazon Sword requests temperatures between 20°C and 28°C (75°F -82°F) temperatures, and a PH level of 6.0-7.5.

The height and growth capabilities make the Amazon Sword Plant idyllic for background décor, and are commonly used as the backdrop to a tank while simultaneously camouflaging filtration systems and other unsightly equipment.