Sword plants are popular in aquariums because of their striking appearance and versatility, making them a favorite among aquarists of all levels. Their long, broad leaves create a dramatic and natural look that adds height and texture to the aquascape, often serving as a centerpiece in many tanks. Sword plants can vary in size, with some growing quite tall, which makes them perfect for the background of larger aquariums. Their robust, sword-shaped leaves bring a sense of lushness to the tank, providing a contrasting element to other plants with finer or smaller leaves.
Showing all 7 results
Echinodorus Frans Stoffels
$6.00 Add to cart -
Echinodorus Red Flame
$6.00 Add to cart -
Echinodorus Red Ozelot – Potted
$6.00 Add to cart -
Red Rubin Sword Pot Echinodorus Rubin
$6.00 Add to cart -
Echinodorus Kleiner Bar
$6.00 Add to cart -
Echinodorus “St. Elmo’s Fire”
$10.00 Add to cart -
Rosette Sword Plant
$6.00 Add to cart
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