Anubias Hastifolia


An excellent grower, it is also very durable and will stand up to cichlids and other tough settings.



Anubias hastifolia is an excellent variety and great when used as a centerpiece. It has many hastate leaves that radiate from the base. This plant is most spectacular when rooted to a piece of driftwood and will fit into most aquariums. An excellent grower, it is also very durable and will stand up to cichlids and other tough settings.

Common Name: Anubias hastifolia

Family Name: Araceae

Native To: Africa

Lighting: Low – Medium

pH: 6-8

Growth Demands: Easy

Growth Form: Spreading Rhizome

Growth Rate: Slow

True Aquatic: Yes

Placement in Tank: Mid – Background

Available As: Bare Root, Potted, On Driftwood

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