Neptune APEX System – EB832, Temp Probe, Salinity Probe, Double Junction Lab pH & ORP Probes
Welcome to the future. The New Apex controller system has WIFI built in, includes a redesigned Energy Bar 832 with eight 120V AC outlets, includes an internal 100W 24VDC power supply as well. That power supply feeds three built-in 1LINK ports as well as two 24VDC accessory ports. Each individual outlet has power monitoring and there are individual LED indicators for each outlet. The New Apex also comes with a PM2 built in so you can monitor salinity without having to buy any extra modules or probes. The New WIFI Apex is backward compatible with all your current Apex Gear, All Modules, Energy Bars, Probes, DOS Pumps, WAV Pumps, etc.
The New Apex System includes probes for Temperature, pH, ORP, and Salinity. The pH and ORP probes are now double-junction as well so they hold calibration longer and have a longer lifespan than single-junction probes.
* Prevents catastrophes by monitoring key parameters in your aquarium, takes corrective actions for you, and alerts you via your smart phone when things go off track.
* Monitors your equipment, ensuring it is operating correctly at all times, and lets you know when it is not.
* Tracks your manual test results, maintenance, livestock purchases, and tank observations and helps you can correlate issues in your aquarium to the things that are happening inside.
* Manages the full operation of equipment (lights, pumps, filters, ATO, etc.) on your tank with simple setup wizards and an easy to use app.
* Takes the place of many costly and cumbersome discrete components such as light timers, heater controllers, pump controllers, etc.
* Gives you the peace of mind to know how your aquarium is doing, instantly, from anywhere in the world.
For years we have advocated a wired network connection for your Apex due to its superior reliability, and we still do. However, for many people a wired connection is just not possible. So, for this Apex we spent countless man-hours developing an incredible 802.11g/n Wi-Fi connection with reliability that rivals a wired connection. And, the connection process to your home network is amazingly simple, getting you set up and on the Apex Fusion cloud service in just a couple of minutes!
New set up wizards and to-do reminders help guide you through configuring everything from temperature control, trouble alerts to your mobile device, and many other common aquarium tasks. With this new Apex, an aquarium controller no longer requires an advanced degree, you are up and running in 5 EASY STEPS:
* Mount it to the wall or inside your cabinet
* Plug in the probes and your equipment
* Connect it to your home network via wi-fi or cable
* Run the new Configuration Wizards
* Start monitoring and controlling your entire tank, in less than an hour, with no programming ENERGY BAR 832, THE ULTIMATE POWER CONTROL HUB
This Energy Bar 832 was redesigned from the ground up. Not only does it have eight 120V AC outlets, but it includes an internal 100W 24VDC power supply as well. That power supply feeds three built-in 1LINK ports as well as two 24VDC accessory ports. Each individual outlet has power monitoring and there are individual LED indicators for each outlet. Read on and watch the videos for more info.