Common Name: Family Name: Native To: Lighting: pH: Growth Demands: Growth Form: Growth Rate: True Aquatic: Placement In Tank: Available As: |
Italian Val
Hydrocharitaceae Asia Medium 6-9 Easy Upright Fast Yes Background Bare Root |
Medium hardy Val. That can withstand lower temperatures. Copper sensitive.
Vallisneria spiralis, also known as Straight Vallisneria, Tape grass, or Eel grass is a common aquarium plant that prefers good light and a nutrient rich substrate. In the wild, it can be found in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide. It has narrow, linear leaves that range in colour from a pale-green to reddish up to 3 feet (1 m) long and up to 0.75 inches broad. V. spiralis is monoecious with flowers carried on long spiral stalks that break away from the plant and float on the water’s surface. Seeds have not been observed germinating in aquaria. Instead, it most often propagates by runners which can lead to dense stands.
(Sold 10 plants per order…price reflects 10 plants)