Actual Customer Reviews, Ratings, & Tank Photos

Customer reviews

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Anubias Nancon - Extra Large photo review
Sebastian S., W Henrietta, NY (Verified Customer) March 16, 2024
February 27, 2025
Hi, Sent you guys a 2:48 video of the 210. All of these fish are from DM, except the juvee Clown Loaches. The 75 is stocked with your Cardinals. The 2...More
Hi, Sent you guys a 2:48 video of the 210. All of these fish are from DM, except the juvee Clown Loaches. The 75 is stocked with your Cardinals. The 210 has a bioload that that would not normally be advisable. This the filtration: FX6 FX4 Eheim canister, a biggie 2x110 Aquaclear HOB 25% H2O  changes every 3-4 days. All the plants are live Anubias,  EXCEPT the tall artificial ones at the back. I have to wait for my Congensis to fill in. The tank is now exactly one year old. It replaced a 180 that blew a seal overnight, drained entirely leaving dozens of dead fish. I was able to save five Clowns I’d had for twenty years. All  3 tanks are now completely scaped and stocked. May not hear from me for awhile, unless my wife relents and lets me add another tank. I’d love to dry those colorful funny looking pancakes with eyes LOL. Love your fish. I know that whatever I order I don’t have worry. The quality of the stock, the manner of packing and handling and shipping are top drawer. Sebastian
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Java Fern photo review
Salvatore G., Bozeman, MT (Verified Customer) October 28, 2020
February 27, 2025
I’m excited about the flame moss, too! Don't worry, I'll leave a review on those, as well.
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Tiger Lotus (Red Variant) – Nymphaea Zenkeri photo review
Morris F., Longmont, CO (Verified Customer) March 24, 2024
February 27, 2025
Here's the tiger lotus lily blooming.
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