The Orange Sakura Shrimp does best in a planted aquarium and add a great bit of color, they are very easy to keep and are great for beginners. They are able to survive in a wide range of water parameters but as with any shrimp ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels must be kept to a minimum.
Orange Sakura Shrimp are not fussy what they eat, anything your offer will be greatly received, algae wafers, blanched vegetables such as courgette and spinach, brussel sprouts, cucumber, fish flakes, shrimp pellets, red peppers and so on they are a great little shrimp to keep and very very easy.
Sexual Dimorphism
These shrimp are very easy to sex, the females are bigger with a rounded undercarriage and has a very deep coloration, the males are smaller with a flat undercarriage and very little color, my males are almost see through.
There are no special requirements in breeding this shrimp, as long as water is kept clean and they are well fed they will breed, and breed a lot !! You will find a small colony within a couple of months which is why they are everywhere as they are so easy to breed and cheap to buy making them a great starter shrimp.